Sunday, June 8, 2014

"Shift Your Way of Thinking ! "

    There has been a situation in your life that has been causing you lots of grief, heartache and trouble. You might even think that you are going against the grain but when trouble arises you must take a step back and look at the power that is already in you. Psalms Chapter 3 verse 6 states " He had declared to the people the power of their works''. Each one of us has a power source, and that source is Jesus Christ. The prophet Isaiah stated that "He gives power to the weak".

   The old way of thinking makes people believe that they must revert back to old ways and habits that are ungodly as a way to decide the outcome of a situation. When God gives you power to overcome a situation, Satan  essentially becomes harmless.

   Decide to live and to not allow Satan to hurt you any longer. Live a life of victory. We serve a God that is too great to allow us to quit. So remember, when things get tough just continue to push, trust God and pray.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Don't Live In Defeat !

Put The Devil Under Your Feet !  ~ Romans 16:20  Says that the Devil's time will soon come to an end. It is his job to frustrate and disrupt your life but God comes to heal, save and lead your broken life so that you aren't living in defeat. Dedicate your life to God today !